About These Paintings...
The soul is like glass: Beautiful. Fragile. Oftentimes broken. Always unique. These paintings reflect my desire to portray all living beings within the broken confines of our world. Dogs, birds, sea creatures, even elephants capture my spirit and drive me to paint their world.
My vision comes to life as I jigsaw a large piece of Plexiglas, breaking off pieces as I go. Using a propane torch I temper the edges and, when desired, use the heat of the torch to bend the glass into dramatic, irregular forms. Once the glass preparation is complete I paint from the back of the glass using acrylics. I also apply other media, such as papers and cloth, as I go. The finishing touch is the exquisite jewels I apply to the front of the glass. A thick mounting frame strategically adhered behind the glass dramatically offsets the image from the wall behind it. The end result is a beautiful and broken existential painting depicting the human condition through the soul of my subject.